
Python Backend Developer | Cloud Solutions Architect | REST API |

Microservices | Agile Methodology | Cloud Computing


Python Backend Developer | SahlBox ~ Apr 2023 - Jun 2024 (Remote)

• Worked closely with developers and designers, using agile methodology to build a mobile application

• Built the backend of the system using Django, and generate APIs using Django rest framework DRF

• Programmed and improved more than +10 features to the system

• Developed the system as microservices using Docker and using Celery & Redis for async tasks

• Deployed the system using AWS technologies (DRS, S3, EC2, ECR)

• Wrote a pitch deck for the company to present to investors (Pre-seed)

Python Full Stack Developer | Nizak Smart Solutions ~ Dec 2021 - May 2023

• Developed +5 large-scale projects, and +10 mid-scale projects

• Optimized applications for performance and scalability using Docker, Celery, and Redis

• Created and maintained automated unit and integration tests

• Integrated third-party services and APIs to clients’ systems

• Participated in code reviews and providing feedback to other developers

• Developed and implemented database schemas and data models


University of Gezira - Bachelor's Electronics/Medical Engineering

2023 - First class honors


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المجالات الأخرى